Etikette in the Golf

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Golf is a sport where common sense and Etikette are an essential part of the game.

Every good player knows that there is no Golf without a Etikette and that during the course of a competition the committee could disqualify the player who breaks the Etikette.

What rules are part of this Golf Etikette?

First of all there are the rules concerning safety:

– While practicing the shot, always make sure that nobody is in the vicinity to avoid hitting someone with a stick.

– If there are people in the field who could be hit by your ball, before launching you must shout “fore”.

As regards the behavior towards the other players, some rules to be respected are these:

– While the player is about to launch, not distract him, not talk to him and not stay too close to him.

– Do not use any type of electronic device.

While on the putting green:

– Do not stay on the line of another player’s putt.

– Before starting the next hole wait for all the players to have finished.

– Help the other players to reposition the flag.

The rules of the general game are the following:

– Play fast and keep up.

– Being ready to play as soon as it is your turn.

– If the ball is lost, use a temporary ball.

– Players before leaving the bunker should level the potholes and traces left by the feet.

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